Prof. Julio Romero
- Ingeniero
Civil Químico, U. de Santiago de Chile, 1999
Dr. en Ing. de Procesos, U. de Montpellier II, Francia,
Procesos de separación por membranas
- Fluidos
supercríticos: extracción, impregnación
y reacción
- Procesos
de extracción y separación con líquidos
de Santiago de Chile |
de Procesos de Separación por Membranas (LabProSeM) |
de Ingeniería Química |
Lib. Bdo. O'Higgins 3363, Estación Central Santiago
- Chile |
+56 2 718 18 21 / +56 2 718 18 34 |
Web: |
- Nominado
al Premio Top 100 Engineers 2009 del International
Biographical Centre, Cambridge (Inglaterra).
- Distinción
al Investigador Destacado, categoría
Junior 2008 por parte de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación
y Desarrollo USACH.
- Perfil
biográfico incluido en la Edición 2009 de
Marquis Who’s Who in the World.
- Nº
de Publicaciones: 52
- Nº
de citaciones: 448 en 339 documentos
- H
index: 15 (
- Nº
de resúmenes en congreso: 85
- Tesis
de postgrado dirigidas: Doctorado (7), Master (15)
- Postdoctorados
- Tesis
de pregrado dirigidas: 58 (Chem. Eng., Biotech.
Eng., Food Eng.)
- Nº
de patentes: 1
- Nº
de libros: 1
1) 2003:
Proyecto DICYT/USACH 050311RF – “Implementación
de una unidad de simulación de procesos no convencionales
con membranas” – Investigador Responsable.
2) 2004-2007:
Chaire UNESCO – “Science des membranes appliquée
a l’environnement (SIMEV)” (“Ciencia de
membranas aplicada al medio ambiente”) – Proyecto
encabezado por el Institut Européen des Membranes (IEM)
de Montpellier, Francia – Coordinador en Chile.
3) 2004-2006:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº 1040240 – “Estudio
teórico-experimental de la permeación de fluidos
supercríticos y la separación de mezclas a alta
presión a través de membranas microporosas”
– Investigador Responsable.
4) 2005-2007:
Proyecto ECOS-CONICYT C04 E06 – “Eliminación
de metales pesados de efluentes líquidos a través
de contactores a membrana líquido-líquido”
– Proyecto de cooperación internacional con el
Institut Européen des Membranes de Montpellier (Francia)
- Investigador Responsable.
5) 2005-2008:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº 1050241 – “Estabilización
de la flama, rango de operación y poluciones en combustión
de mezclas pobres de gas en cerámicas porosas”
– Coinvestigador (Inv. Responsable: Valeri Bubnovich).
6) 2005-2006:
Proyecto MECESUP USA 0115 – “Mejoramiento de la
Educación Ambiental en la Universidad de Santiago de
Chile: Integración Multidisciplinaria de Métodos
e Instrumentos” – Coordinador Departamento de
Ingeniería Química USACH.
7) 2005-2008:
Proyecto Anillo de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología,
Programa Bicentenario ACT24 – “Diseño de
un sensor electroquímico para sulfito y determinación
electroquímica de la capacidad antioxidante de fenoles
en vino” - Investigador adjunto (Inv. Responsable: María
Jesús Aguirre).
8) 2007-2009:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº 1070062 – “Near
critical and supercritical fluid extraction of metals from
aqueous solutions using hollow fiber membrane contactors”
– Investigador Responsable.
9) 2008-2009:
Proyecto I+D+i DGT USACH – “Obtención de
colorante natural a partir del extracto de betarraga de mesa
(Beta vulgaris L.) tratado por irradiación gama como
sustituto de colorante rojo de cochinilla” – Coinvestigador
(Inv. Responsable: María Paula Junqueira).
10) 2009-2010:
Programa de Contratación de Postdoctorandos VRID USACH,
Beneficiaria: Dra. Ayça Hasanoglu - Investigador Responsable.
11) 2010-2012:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº 1100305 – “Supercritical
fluid extraction of organic compounds from aqueous solutions
using gelled ionic liquid membranes” – Investigador
12) 2010:
Concurso de Ayudantes de Investigación 2009, Facultad
de Ingeniería USACH, Beneficiaria: Srta. Rossana Sepúlveda
Rivera – Académico Responsable.
13) 2011-2013:
Proyecto FONDEF D09I1043 – “Propuesta científica
de normativa para el desarrollo de envases plásticos
inocuos: una metodología científica tecnológica
de apoyo a instituciones públicas y privadas para fortalecer
la estrategia nacional de consolidación de la industria
alimentaria” – Investigador Principal.
14) 2011-2013:
Proyecto ECOS-CONICYT C10E05 – “Development of
new supported ionic liquid membranes and its application in
supercritical fluid extraction of organic compounds from aqueous
solutions” – Proyecto de cooperación internacional
con el Institut Européen des Membranes de Montpellier
(Francia) - Investigador Responsable.
15) 2011-2013: Nucleo Milenio “Centro Interdisciplinario
de Líquidos Iónicos” – Instituciones
albergantes: Univ. de Chile y Pontificia Univ. Católica
de Chile, Inv. Resp.: Renato Contreras.
16) 2012-2015:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº 1120368 - “Study of
the specific migration of Bisphenol (an endocrine disrupting
agent), from food packaging materials” – Coinvestigador
(Inv. Responsable: María José Galotto).
17) 2012-2015:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº1120071 – “Determination
of electrochemical parameters for determination of wine aging”
– Coinvestigador (Inv. Responsable: María Jesús
18) 2012-2014:
Proyecto FONDECYT de Postdoctorado nº 3130594 - “Sistema
integrado de absorción de membrana-electrodo modificado
con copolímeros de Porfirina de Co y Anilina y/o sus
derivados para la determinación de sulfito en vino”
– Investigador Responsable: Dra. Roxana Arce, Patrocinante:
Dr. Julio Romero.
19) 2013-2016:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº1130391 – “Degradation
of textile dyes in wastewater by Electrochemical Oxidation
Technologies” – Coinvestigador (Inv. Responsable:
Ricardo Salazar).
20) 2014-2018:
Proyecto FONDECYT Regular nº1140208 – “Development
of asymmetric ionic liquid-based membranes for pervaporation
of biobutanol” – Investigador Responsable.
1) Romero,
J., Le Cam, S., Sanchez, J., Saavedra, A. y Rios, G.M., Permeation
of Supercritical Fluids Through MFI Zeolites Membranes, Chemical
Engineering Science, 56 (2001), 3139-3148. (
2) Romero
J., Rios G.M., Sanchez J., Bocquet S. y Saavedra A., Modelling
of heat and mass transfer in osmotic evaporation process,
AIChE Journal, 49 (2003), nº2, 300-308. (
3) Brodard,
F., Romero, J., Bellevile, M.P., Sanchez, J., Combe-James,
C., Dornier, M. y Rios, G.M., New hydrophobic membranes for
osmotic evaporation process, Separation and Purification Technology,
32 (2003), 3-7. (
4) Romero,
J., Rios, G.M., Sánchez, J. y Saavedra, A., Analysis
of boundary layer and solute transport in osmotic evaporation,
AIChE Journal, 49 (2003), nº11, 2783-2792 (
5) Romero,
J., Belleville, M.P., Sanchez, J., Rios, G.M., Combe-James,
C. y Dornier. M., Concentration isotherme de solutions biologiques
fragiles par evaporation membranaire sur membrane céramiques,
Récents Progrès en Génie Chimique, Ed.
Groupe Français de Génie des Procédés,
Technique et Documentation Lavoisier, 89 (2003), 165-172.
6) Romero,
J., Gîjiu, C., Sanchez, J. y Rios, G.M., A unified approach
of gas, liquid and supercritical solvent transport through
microporous membranes, Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (2004),
1569-1576. (
7) Bocquet,
S., Torres, A., J., Sanchez, J., Rios, G.M. y Romero, J.,
Modeling the mass transfer in solvent-extraction processes
with hollow-fiber membranes, AIChE Journal , 51 (2005), nº4,
1067-1079. (
8) Romero,
J., Draga, H., Belleville, M.P., Sanchez, J., Combe-James,
C., Dornier, M. y Rios, G.M., New hydrophobic membranes for
contactor processes – Application to isothermal concentration
of solutions, Desalination, 193 (2006), 280-285. (
9) Valenzuela,
F., Cabrera, J., Basualto, C., Sapag, J., Romero, J., Sanchez,
J. y Rios, G.M., Separation of zinc ions from an acidic mine
drainage using a stirred transfer cell-type surfactant liquid
membrane contactor, Separation Science and Technology, 42
(2007), Issue 2, 363-377. (
10) Bocquet,
S., Romero, J., Sanchez, J. y Rios, G.M., Membrane contactors
for the extraction process with subcritical carbon dioxide
or propane: simulation of the influence of operation parameters,
Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 41 (2007), Issue 2, 246-256.
11) Estay,
H., Bocquet, S., Romero, J., Sanchez, J., Rios, G.M. y Valenzuela,
F., Modeling and simulation of mass transfer in near-critical
extraction using a hollow fiber membrane contactor, Chemical
Engineering Science, 62 (2007), Issue 21, 5794-5808. (
12) Silva,
L., Plaza, A., Romero, J., Sanchez, J., and Rios, G.M., Characterization
of zeolite membranes by means of permeability determination
of near critical and supercritical CO2, Journal of Chilean
Chemical Society, 53 (2008), nº1, 1415-1421.
13) Valdes,
H., Romero, J., Saavedra, A., Plaza, A. and Bubnovich, V.,
Concentration of noni juice by means of osmotic distillation,
Journal of Membrane Science, 330 (2009), Issues 1-2, 205-213.
14) Valdés,
H., Romero, J., Sanchez, S., Bocquet, S., Rios, G.M., and
Valenzuela, F., Characterization of chemical kinetics in membrane-based
liquid-liquid extraction of Molybdenum (VI) from aqueous solutions,
Chemical Engineering Journal, 151 (2009), Issues 1-3, 333-341.
15) Bubnovich,
V., Toledo, M., Henríquez, L., Rosas, C., and Romero,
J., Flame stabilization between two beds of alumina balls
in a porous burner, Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (2010),
Issues 2-3, 92-95. (
16) Hasanoglu,
A., Romero, J. Pérez, B., and Plaza, A., Ammonia removal
from wastewater streams through membrane contactors: Experimental
and theoretical analysis of operation parameters and configuration,
Chemical Engineering Journal, 160 (2010), 530-537.
17) F.
Valenzuela, C. Basualto, J. Sapag, J. Romero, W. Höll,
C. Fonseca, C. Araneda, A kinetics analysis applied to the
recovery of Zn(II) content from mine drainage by using a surfactant
liquid membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment, 24 (2010),
327-335. (
18) M.J.
Galotto, A. Torres, A. Guarda, N. Moraga and J. Romero. Experimental
and theoretical study of LDPE versus different concentrations
of Irganox 1076 and different thickness. Food Research International,
44 (2011), 566-574. (
19) M.J.
Galotto, A. Torres, A. Guarda, N. Moraga, J. Romero, Experimental
and theoretical study of LDPE versus different food simulants
and different temperatures. Food Research International, 44
(2011), 3072–3078. (
20) E.
Vyhmeister, H. Estay, J. Romero, F. Cubillos. Simulation and
process optimization of the membrane-based dense gas extraction
using hollow fiber contactors. Chemical Engineering Communications,
199:5 (2012), 644-657. (
21) A.
Torres, A. Guarda, N. Moraga, J. Romero, M.J. Galotto, Experimental
and theoretical study of thermodynamics and transport properties
of multilayer polymeric food packaging. European Food Research
and Technology, 234 (2012), number 4, 713-722. (
22) A.
Hasanoglu, F. Rebolledo, A. Plaza, A. Torres, J. Romero, Effect
of the operating variables on the extraction and recovery
of aroma compounds in an osmotic distillation process coupled
to a vacuum membrane distillation system, Journal of Food
Engineering, 111 (2012), Issue 4, 632-641. (
23) A.
Hasanoglu, J. Romero, A. Plaza, W. Silva, Gas-filled membrane
absorption processes: a review of three different applications
to describe the mass transfer by means of a unified approach.
Desalination and Water Treatment , 51 (2013), Issue 28-30,
5649-5663. (
24) H.
Valdés, R. Sepúlveda, J. Romero, F. Valenzuela,
J. Sanchez, Near critical and supercritical fluid extraction
of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions using a hollow fiber contactor.
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,
65 (2013), 58-67. (
25) Estay,
H., Ortiz, M., Romero, J., A novel process based on gas filled
membrane absorption to recover cyanide in gold mining. Hydrometallurgy
134-135 (2013), 166-176. (
26) Plaza,
A., Merlet, G., Hasanoglu, A., Isaacs, M., Sanchez, J., and
Romero, J., Separation of butanol from ABE mixtures by sweep
gas pervaporation using a supported gelled ionic liquid membrane:
Analysis of transport phenomena and selectivity. Journal of
Membrane Science 444 (2013), 201-212. (
27) R.
Arce, P. Márquez, F. Herrera, M. J. Aguirre, J. Romero,
Sulfite oxidation mediated by ortho-phenylenediamine / Co(II)-tetrakis(para-aminophenyl)porphyrin
copolymers in acid medium. Journal of the Chilean Chemical
Society 58(4) (2013), 1982-1985. (
28) A.
Torres, J. Romero, A. Macán, M.J. Galotto, A. Guarda,
Near critical and supercritical impregnation and kinetic release
of thymol in LLDPE films used for Food Packaging. The Journal
of Supercritical Fluids 85 (2014), 41–48. (
29) R.
Sepúlveda, J. Romero and J. Sánchez, Copper
removal from aqueous solutions by means of ionic liquids containing
a ß-diketone and the recovery of metal complexes by
supercritical fluid extraction. Journal of Chemical Technology
and Biotechnology 89 (2014), Issue 6, 899-908. (
30) H.
Estay, E. Troncoso, J. Romero, Design and cost estimation
of a gas-filled membrane absorption (GFMA) process as alternative
for cyanide recovery in Gold mining. Journal of Membrane Science
466 (2014), 253-264. (
31) Plaza,
A., Romero, J., Silva, W., Morales, E., Torres, A. and Aguirre,
M.J., Extraction and quantification of SO2 content in wines
using a hollow fiber contactor. Food Science and Technology
International 20(7) (2014), 501-510. (
32) R.
Arce, M.J. Aguirre and J. Romero, Sensor for Quantitative
Analytical Determination of Sulphite in Wine Using a System
of Modified Electrode and a Membrane Absorption System, ECS
Transactions 64(1) (2014), 37-42. (
33) R.
Arce, J. Romero, M.J. Aguirre, A glassy carbon electrode modified
by a copolymer of Co-tetrakis (para-aminophenyl)porphyrin
and ortho-phenylenediamine. Characterization and electrocatalytic
sulfite oxidation behavior of a basic extract from red wine,
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 44 (2014), Issue12, 1361-1369.
34) R.
Arce, M.J. Aguirre, J. Romero, Electrooxidation of Free Sulfite
by an Integrated System of Glassy Carbon Modified Electrodes
with Nickel Phthalocyanines and Membrane Absorber in Red Wine
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 9 (2014),
7916 – 7924. (
35) C.
Zambra, J. Romero, L. Pino, A. Saavedra, J. Sanchez, Concentration
of cranberry juice by osmotic distillation process, Journal
of Food Engineering 144 (2015), 58-65. (
36) A.
Torres, C. Ramirez, J. Romero, G. Guerrero, X. Valenzuela,
A. Guarda, M.J. Galotto, Experimental and theoretical description
of the mass transfer during the Bisphenol A release from polycarbonate
into regulated EU food simulant. European Food Research and
Technology 240 (2015), Issue 2, 335-343. (
37) Younas,
M., Druon-Bocquet, Romero, J., Sanchez, J., Experimental and
theoretical investigation of distribution equilibria and kinetics
of copper(II) extraction with LIX 84 I and TFA. Separation
Science and Technology, 50 (2015), Issue 10, 1523-1531. (
38) R. Cabezas, A. Plaza, G. Merlet and J. Romero, Effect
of fluid dynamic conditions on the recovery of ABE fermentation
products by membrane-based dense gas extraction, Chemical
Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 95 (2015),
80-89. (
39) A.
Rojas, D. Cerro, A. Torres, M.J. Galotto, A. Guarda, J. Romero,
Supercritical impregnation and kinetic release of 2-nonanone
in LLDPE films used for active food packaging. Journal of
Supercritical Fluids, 104 (2015), 76-84. (
40) E.
Quijada-Maldonado, J. Romero, I. Osorio, Selective removal
of iron from copper PLS using [bmim][Tf2N] as diluent and
TFA as extracting agent. Hydrometallurgy, 159 (2016), 54-59.
41) C.
Espinoza, J. Romero, L. Villegas, L. Cornejo-Ponce, R. Salazar,
Mineralization of the textile dye acid yellow 42 by solar
photoelectro-Fenton in a lab-pilot plant. Journal of Hazardous
Materials, 319, (2016), 24-33 (
42) R.
Arce; C. Báez; J.P. Muena; M.J. Aguirre; J. Romero,
Electrochemical method for the determination of sulfite in
wines by electrochemical response using a membrane absorber
system, Journal of Chilean Chemical Society, 61 Nº4 (2016),
3206-3210. (
43) E.
Quijada-Maldonado, M.J. Torres, J. Romero, Solvent extraction
of Molybdenum (VI) from aqueous solution using ionic liquids
as diluents. Separation and Purification Technology, Volume
177 (2017), 200–206 (
44) Silva,
W., Romero, J., Morales, E., Mendoza, L. and Cotoras, M.,
Red wine extract obtained by membrane-based supercritical
fluid extraction: preliminary characterization of chemical
properties. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Accepted
45) Younas,
M., Druon-Bocquet, Romero, J., Sanchez, J., Numerical modelling
and simulation of membrane-based extraction of copper (II)
using hollow fiber contactors. Desalination and Water Treatment,
63 (2017), 113-123. (
46) A.
Torres, E. Ilabaca, A. Rojas, F. Rodriguez, M.J. Galotto,
A. Guarda, C. Villegas, J. Romero, Effect of processing conditions
on the physical, chemical and transport properties of polylactic
acid films containing thymol incorporated by supercritical
impregnation. European Polymer Journal, 89 (2017), 195-210.
( )
47) R.
Sepúlveda, J. Castillo, A. Plaza, J. Sánchez,
A. Torres and J. Romero, Improvement of recovery performance
in the solvent extraction of Cu(II) using [bmim][Tf2N] and
a ß-diketone as extractant and its stripping with supercritical
carbon dioxide. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 128 (2017),
26-31 (
48) G.
Merlet, F. Uribe, C. Aravena, M. Rodríguez, R. Cabezas,
E. Quijada-Maldonado, J. Romero, Separation of fermentation
products from ABE mixtures by means of perstraction using
imidazolium-based ionic liquids as extractants. Journal of
Membrane Science, 537 (2017), 337-343. (
49) C.
López de Dicastillo, L. Garrido, N. Alvarado, J. Romero,
J. Palma, M.J. Galotto, Improvement of polylactide properties
through nanocellulose embedded in electrospun nanofibers.
Nanomaterials, 7 (5) (2017) , 106. (
50) A.
Rojas, A. Torres, F. Martínez, L. Salazar, A. Guarda,
M.J. Galotto, J. Romero. Assessment of kinetic release of
thymol from LDPE nanocomposites obtained by supercritical
impregnation: effect of depressurization rate and nanoclay
content. European Polymer Journal, 93 (2017), 294-306. (
51) C.
Villegas, A. Torres, M. Rios, A. Rojas, J. Romero, C. López
de Dicastillo, X. Valenzuela, M. J. Galotto, A. Guarda, Supercritical
impregnation of cinnamaldehyde into polylactic acid as a route
to develop antibacterial food packaging materials. Food Reseach
International, 99 (Part 1) (2017), 650-659. (
52) N.
Alvarado, J. Romero, A. Torres, C. López de Dicastillo,
A. Rojas, M.J. Galotto, A. Guarda, Supercritical impregnation
of thymol in poly(lactic acid) filled with electrospun poly(vinyl
alcohol)-cellulose nanocrystals nanofibers: Development an
active food packaging material. Journal of Food Engineering
(Accepted 2017).
1) M.J.,
Arévalo, C., Isaacs, M., Matsuhiro, B., Mendoza, L.,
and Romero, J., "Obtención de un electrodo de
carbón de muy bajo costo y alta actividad electrocatalítica".
Primer premio del 2° Concurso a la Creatividad, Innovación
y Patentamiento, PBCT-Usach (Patente en trámite).
2) M.J.,
Arévalo, C., Isaacs, M., Matsuhiro, B., Mendoza, L.,
and Romero, J., “Carbon electrode produced from waste
having high electrocatalytic activity, production method thereof
and use of same”, Application Nº / Patent Nº
11865944.0-1703 PCT/CL2011000030.
1) Etude
des transferts sur des systèmes à membrane non-conventionnels:
cas du procédés d’évaporation osmotique
et de la permeation de fluides supercritiques. J. Romero,
ISBN 978-613-1-53327-3. Editions Universitaires Européennes,
EUE, 2010. |